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Ninety-five Senses - still #1
Ninety-five Senses - still #2
Ninety-five Senses - still #3
Ninety-five Senses - still #4
Ninety-five Senses - still #5

Ninety-five Senses

Directors: Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess

United States, 2022, 14 min

Shooting Format:Digital

Festival Year:2023


Cast:Tim Blake Nelson

Crew:Writers: Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer. Producers: Miles David Romney, Tori A. Baker, Kelly Loosli. Animation: Acdriana Arvizu, Gabriella Badillo, Daniel Bruson, Tamara Cruz, Michael Grover, Dominica Harrison, Melissa Lopez, Cristina Lugo, Ruben Morales, Dallin Penman, Enrique Sañudo, KC Tobey, Jared Matthews, Scott McHenry; Music: John Hancock; Sound: Jacob Proctor; Editing: Raymond Delmar


An ode to the body’s five senses, delivered by a death-row inmate with little time left to enjoy them. Tim Blake Nelson and a diverse team of animators from Latin America and the U.S. bring to life this bittersweet tale of regret and redemption from visionary duo Jerusha and Jared Hess.

About the directors

Jerusha Hess - Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess are husband-and-wife American filmmakers best known for their work on Napoleon Dynamite (2004), Nacho Libre (2006) and Gentlemen Broncos (2009), all of which they co-wrote. Jerusha wrote and directed the film Austenland.

Jared Hess - Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess are husband-and-wife American filmmakers best known for their work on Napoleon Dynamite (2004), Nacho Libre (2006) and Gentlemen Broncos (2009), all of which they co-wrote, and which Jared directed.

Filmmakers' note

Working with these animators, each with a different style and at a different career stage, was a blast. This story—it hits so hard—makes room for a lot of very different aesthetic visions, and seeing what came out of their heads was amazing.

Ninety-five Senses gave us a chance to mentor some up-and-coming artists—and work with some established pros—and it really let us all play in the sandbox and try something kind of wild, artistically and narratively.

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