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TANGO - still #1


US Premiere

Director: Pedro Giongo & Francisco Gusso

Brazil, 2016, 13 min

Shooting Format:Digital

Festival Year:2017


WINNER: Best Animation

Cast:William Biagioli, Francisco Gusso, Jéssica Luz, Nathália Tereza and Pedro Giongo

Crew:Producers: Antonio Jr., Francisco Gusso, Lígia Teixeira, Pedro Giongo - Screenwriters: Francisco Gusso, Pedro Giongo - Art Direction and Stop-motion Animation: Francisco Gusso, Jéssica Luz, Pedro Giongo - Original Soundtrack: Francisco Gusso, Pedro Giongo - Editing: Pedro Giongo - Sound Editing: Ale Rogoski, Pedro Giongo Finalization: Guilherme Delamuta - Voices: William Biagioli, Jéssica Luz, Francisco Gusso, Nathália Tereza and Pedro Giongo


After years of drought, a mystic potato sprouts in the remote springs of the Aiatak River. Soon, everything will be ready for the great ritual of Tango. For the people, this is the beginning of a new era. Inspired by the short story "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka, "Tango" is a plunge into human nature and its contradictions.


About the director

Francisco Gusso and Pedro Giongo lives in Brazil. Directed together two stop-motion animations shorts, Nightmare Park (2015) and Tango (2016), plus a handful of visual projects for movies, festivals, books and other artists.


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