Film library » 2023 » NARRATIVE FEATURE » Film details
Rupture - still #1
Rupture - still #2
Rupture - still #3
Rupture - still #4
Rupture - still #5


US Premiere

Director: Paul Ertl

Austria, 2022, 53 min

Shooting Format:Digital

Festival Year:2023

Category:Narrative Feature

Cast:Berta Kammer, Philipp Hochmair

Crew:Writer: Paul Ertl. Producer: Marija Burtscher. Camera: Lukas Schöffel; Editor: Paul Eckhart!searchterm=der%%%%%%%%20riss


Eighty-year-old Mrs. Pospisil (Berta Kammer) lives alone in her old apartment. She actually gets along quite well there, but her worried son (Philipp Hochmair) wants to put her in a nursing home. When she discovers an inexplicable crack in the wall, she begins to doubt her own sanity—and her life once again experiences a delightful surreal twist. Paul Ertl’s medium-length feature film is horror with a touch of romantic comedy. Casual, clever, and disturbing. (Diagonale Filmfestival 2023)


About the director

Paul Ertl, born 1979, is based in in Vienna, Austria. He has studied film and media studies and has worked in the austrian film industry since more than 20 years now, lately as head of PR for the Austrian film distributor Filmladen. RUPTURE is his debut as writer and director. Paul is currently writing his first full-length-feature-film.

Filmmaker's note

RUPTURE is a horror film. But the true horror in this story is not something supernatural, but the fear of decay and getting old. A true event in my family inspired me to do this little chiller, and I do hope to make a statement with it. Because my main concern is the dignity of the elderly, a group our society so often marginalizes, forgets or belittles. It was important to me, to empower my elderly female protagonist. So I hope you will also find some fun and a little magic in this genre-remix. Enjoy!

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